The Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Tuesday granted former prime minister Nawaz Sharif bail for eight weeks to obtain medical treatment. A two-judge bench comprising Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani and Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani heard Shehbaz Sharif’s request to grant Nawaz Sharif bail on medical grounds in the Al-Azizia corruption reference.
Announcing the verdict, the court granted Sharif bail for eight weeks to get medical treatment. He has been ordered to deposit two bail bonds worth Rs2 million each. Nawaz Sharif will have to go to jail if he does not contact the Punjab government after eight weeks, the court announced.
Earlier, during the proceedings, National Accountability Bureau (NAB) opposed Nawaz Sharif’s treatment abroad and permanent bail in the case, saying that a bail for specified period can be granted to him. The opinion of doctors is respectable as they are the experts, however, they have not said that ex-PM’s treatment is not possible in Pakistan, the NAB maintained.
Meanwhile, Justice Aamir Farooq said, “We have four options in this case. First, we can grant permanent bail to Nawaz Sharif. Second, we can approve Nawaz’s bail for specified time period. Third, we can forward his bail plea matter to Punjab government and fourth, we can also dispose of his petition.”
As the hearing resumed in the afternoon today, Chief Minister of Punjab (CM) Sardar Usman Buzdar told the court that Nawaz Sharif is satisfied with the medical treatment at Services Hospital where he was admitted on October 21.
Justice Aamir Farooq remarked that the reason behind summoning Punjab CM is to know about the medical facilities for the prisoners over which, the CM said he has visited eight jails in one year and that all the convicts are being given suitable facilities.
However, after recording the statement, CM Buzdar left the court.