LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has denied the allegations of receiving Rs 850 million, which the real estate tycoon Malik Riaz alleged to have paid for the Ashiyana Housing Scheme.
Talking to newsmen after opening a new vegetable and fruit market on Friday, Shahbaz said the contract was given to the company which offered the lowest bid for the housing scheme, adding that there was no question of getting money from anyone.INP adds: Chief Minister Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif said the hefty amount of Rs 70 billion reserved for the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) should be spent on electricity projects.
“Pakistan needs electricity to run industry; Rs 70 billion of Benazir Income Support Programme should be spent on electricity projects,” the chief minister, who is on social media, tweeted. “Minar-e-Pakistan tent-office is for solidarity with the people and protest against discriminating Punjab by unequal loadshedding,” he tweeted later. – Nation