Los Angeles: Host Jason Sudeikis launched the 2011 MTV Movie Awards with a psychic moment that proved right on the mark. “I predict that tonight MTV will stand for ‘More Twilight Awards.’So it was no surprise when “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” swept the popular-vote awards given out at the Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal City Walk in Los Angeles on Sunday, June 5. It took home five of the 12 prizes including Best Picture, and made for the most talked-about moment, as Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner shared a passionate kiss while Kristen Stewart looked on from the stage, as she and Pattinson won “Best Kiss.”There were plenty of sexually-charged jokes and swear words peppered throughout the two-hour show, but MTV Generation Award winner Reese Witherspoon used her acceptance speech to chastise the younger generation of female stars to use a little discretion in their private lives.“I want to say to all the girls out there, I know it’s cool to be bad, I get it. But it’s also possible to make it in Hollywood without a reality show,” Witherspoon said, after receiving her prize from Patrick Dempsey, Robert Pattinson and Chelsea Handler.”When I came up in this business, if you made a sex tape, you were embarrassed and you hid it under your bed. And if you took naked pictures of yourself on your cell phone, you hide your face, people. Hide your face! So for all the good girls out there, it’s totally possible. I’m going to try to make that cool.”
Other popular winners included Emma Stone, Chloe Grace Moretz, Tom Felton, Bryce Dallas Howard, Xavier Samuel and Justin Bieber, who escorted girlfriend Selena Gomez to the star-studded festivities. And plenty of Hollywood’s biggest names came out to hand out awards and plug their upcoming films, including “Super 8″ director J. J. Abrams and producer Steven Spielberg.”The MTV Movie Awards is all about the biggest movie fans on the planet,” Spielberg told the crowd of believers, many of whom had voted repeatedly for the winners, as the awards are a result of open fan voting via the Internet and texting.Also in the packed auditorium were screen-star beauties Cameron Diaz, Mila Kunis, Emma Watson, Brooklyn Decker, Blake Lively, Hailee Steinfeld, Katie Cassidy, Leighton Meester and Amanda Bynes, along with fan favorites Ashton Kutcher, Justin Timberlake, Steve Carell, Josh Duhamel and Jim Carrey. – Yahoonews