KARACHI: National Database & Registration Authority, NADRA is all set to start second phase of Watan Cards after issuance of over 1.6 million cards resolving all complaints of flood victims through its efficient Complaints Redressal System, stated Deputy Chairman NADRA Tariq Malik on Monday.“National Disaster Management Authority has estimated that around 1.68 million families were affected by flood, and we have given Watan Cards to over 1,645,262 million, which means we have done 99 percent of our job. Now after successful completion of the first phase we are determined and hopeful that this achievement would pave the way for the successful completion of second phase,” said Tariq Malik. The second Phase titled Citizen’s Damage Compensation Programme (CDCP) will provide cash transfers to more than 1 million flood-hit households.“We are cooperating with all provincial governments to quickly start the second phase. Good news is that the World Bank has already approved $125m for the second phase,” Tariq said. He said NADRA in the first phase has disbursed cash assistance of Rs 30,350,275,877 to flood-affected families across the country which is a big achievement and first ever disbursement of its kind in history.“NADRA has set a global example in helping people and giving them a mechanism for disbursement of cash assistance transparently,” Tariq said.Tariq Malik said that objective of the Complaint Redressal System is to address the complaints from genuine and legitimate beneficiaries who are unable to get registered for Watan cards and the system has been successful in doing so.
He said NADRA received 300,000 complaints from flood-hit people who had been facing different problems in getting Watan Cards. He said that throughout the process, NADRA has ensured strong checks in the software so that only deserving families belonging to provincially notified calamity-hit areas could obtain Watan Cards. Tariq Malik said that using its multi-biometric system, NADRA has ensured transparency and thwarted several attempts of misuse of the Watan Card from miscreants. – Dailytimes