KARACHI : The traders have halted the import of onions from India and Iran after the arrival of the commodity from Sindh and Balochistan.Karachi Wholesale Vegetable Market President Haji Shahjahan, while talking to a private television channel, said the onion was still short in the local market and a price hike of record Rs200/ maund was recorded within a week.This caused the commodity price to mount by Rs1400/ maund in the local market which set the onion price to Rs45/kg, he said.He continued to say that the crops from Sindh and Balochistan were started to pour into markets owing to which decrease in the prices was expected.Shahjahan said Sindh’s entire crop would come into market by November.He maintained the traders had stopped importing more onions from Iran, Kabul and India, as local crop started to come into the market – Sananews