There is a conflict brewing in the e-commerce arena of educational products for children. It seems that some people feel that might is right even in the digital arena. We came across a host of accusation on Instagram where the Page BintiRida Creations is openly harassing and bulling another Instagram page of Tot Learning. (
Accusation is that one is ripping off the work of the other. Both are in the business of creating binders for children with their content.
To Summarize
Accuser: Bintirida; (
Victim: Tot Learning (

Just a little digging into this particular dispute seemed to reveal interesting results.
1) The disputed content seems to be available freely at
2) Both pages are using the freely available content
3) Bintirida is claiming her copied content to be original
4) Tot Learning is doing what is ethical, giving full credit to the company from the source of the content
It is interesting to note that BintiRida produces binders whose worksheets are surprisingly similar to those produced by Totschooling. (

Two points can be concluded from this predicament. One the content seems to be third party content which needs to be referenced to prevent copyright infringement.
Both businesses are generating value through the creative way the binders present this resource to mothers and their toddlers. Tot learning is doing that but Bintirida is not.

Two, Bintirida has no reason for bullying Tot Learning as they are giving credit to the source they take their content from. Hard to understand why Bintirida has stumped so low.
Competition in business is a basic feature of a free market economy which includes the e-commerce businesses too. And trying to bully other businesses online is just a bad idea.

Understandably both are small home-based businesses and have a lot of hard work and effort behind them but they still need to be run professionally and compete fair and square rather than crying foul where there is no issue clearly.