On the face of it, the decision by association of privately-run schools in City to observe only Sunday as the weekly day off is appropriate. A representative of the association, Yawar Naseer, said that in order to complete the educational courses of the students on time and to concentrate on studies in a more effective manner, it was necessary to change the current practice of also observing Saturday as holiday. As far as the mental progress and intellectual advancement of the young generation is concerned, education does not appear to be one of government’s priorities. The entire academic session is repeatedly marred and disrupted by breaks that occur in the name of summer vacation, spring recess and the gazette holidays, which not only waste the precious time of students by taking away half of the academic session but also act as part of the most damaging process of distraction. Majority of the students is heavily preoccupied by cable television, internet browsing and text messaging on cell phones, which can be a healthy sign if kept within legitimate limits. There are of course honourable exceptions but annual results of the boards of intermediate and secondary education show that private schools are far ahead of those under the government control and girls – generally deprived of the above luxuries – grab the topmost positions.
Observing two holidays in a week in the name of saving energy is grossly preposterous and does not suit a nation that eternally holds the begging bowl in front of the donors. The practice does not help either education or any other sector. Small-time businessmen and traders who know the importance of money and time have stopped observing any holiday either on Sundays or Fridays. We honestly believe that government schools should also follow the policy of the private entrepreneurs. – statesman