Club Caramel, the Lahore based duo comprising of musicians Adnan Sarwar and Kiran Chaudhry launched their latest song ‘Deewana’, in collaboration with the Samsung Galaxy Series at the World Fashion Café in Lahore.
The premiere of ‘Deewana’ marked the bands’ third original release, Zindagi (March 2011) being the first and Teray Bin (October 2011) the second. Indeed, ‘Deewana’ is an offset of Club Caramel and Samsung’s collaboration in bringing a fresh sound to Modern Pakistani Pop Music – the song itself is available for download through Club Caramel’s Official Facebook Page and also as a ringtone with all Samsung Galaxy Series Handsets.
The evening started with the Premiere of the video for Deewana, after which Adnan Sarwar and Kiran Chaudhry shared a few words on the concept of their song. Samsung representative Farid Jal further spoke on the brands’ direction within music and their bid to encourage original and new music within Pakistan’s music industry. The event concluded with an live unplugged session where Club Caramel duo Adnan and Kiran performed their songs ‘Zindagi’ and their latest release ‘Deewana’. The evening was attended by musicians and media personalities alike, including Ali Azmat, Jamal Rahman, Sameer Ahmed, Saif Ahmed, Syed Farhad Humayun, Yousaf Rizvi, DJ Shahrukh, Kamiar Rokni and Maria B.
Released in the festive season of spring and in time for Valentine’s Day, ‘Deewana’ has been written, composed and produced by Adnan Sarwar with vocals by Kiran Chaudhry, and also features session musicians Asif Goga on percussions, Fahad Khan on Drums and Sameer Ahmed on Bass Guitars. Recorded at True Brew Records in Lahore, the song is about the experience of falling in love and explores how it affects each person, drawing inspiration from relationships and experiences in life that leave a lasting impression on an individual. The video for ‘Deewana’ has been directed by Adnan Sarwar in High-Definition with styling by the creative team at Deevees and wardrobe by Fashion Designer Ammar Belal as well as Kiran and Adnan themselves.
Speaking about the launch of Deewana and their new collaboration with Samsung, the duo Adnan and Kiran said: “Our music focuses on the pop/rock genre with distinct Eastern melodic flavours. Our first release Zindagi was a guitar riff based pop/rock tune whereas with Teray Bin, we presented the song with Eastern classical melodies and instrumentation.
Our music has been described as diverse and quite different from song to song and with Deewana we refresh our approach to Pop Rock -we are very passionate about this song and it is our personal favourite release to date. We are particularly pleased to have Samsung Pakistan’s support in getting this song out and for giving us a platform for our independent music.”