ISLAMABAD: The National Youth Summit concluded here Sunday has demanded of the government to announce youth emergency in Pakistan to ensure employment opportunities in public and private sector and to provide equal access to education and opportunities.
The resolution adopted at the concluding ceremony of three-day NYS 2013 also urged federal and provincial governments to reflect plans in their Annual Development Programmes for providing frequent youth exchange programmes to youth from all provinces, FATA, Gilgit Baltistan (GB) and AJK to help them understand each other and develop cultural integration and harmony. The three day National Youth Summit 2013, was an endeavor of ACT International with its partner organizations and Valley Trackers, aims to enhance leadership capacity, build confidence, introducing youth to the social challenges, ensure intercultural and interfaith harmony and provide them with an opportunity to network with the youth around the country.
Hundreds of students, aged 18 to 24 from across Pakistan participated in the event that was inaugurated by the President of AJK Sardar Yaqoob Khan. The summit encompassed 12 multi-dimensional sessions, addressed by leaders from various segments and professions, including political figures, journalists, leaders from business community and mentors from leading corporations. President AJK Sardar Yaqoob Khan, President Muslim Conference Sardar Atique, Deputy Speaker of AJK Assembly Shaheen Kauser , Minister for Rehabilitation AJK Abdul Majid Khan, Minister for Industries and Commerce Chaudhry Akbar Ibrahim and Shireen Fatima, Member Legislative Assembly Gilgit Baltistan also addressed the Summit.
It was highlighted that in Pakistan, around 63% of the population is concentrated below the age of 25 years while a significant portion of 55.53 (33.9%) of 186.76 million population is concentrated in the age range of 10-24 years old. It said that the youth can be an asset for the country if they are converted into human resources and engine for economic development of Pakistan; however, they can be a liability if their skills and knowledge are not developed.The participants of NSY urged the government to provide youth with uniform education by reforming the public institutions improving the regulatory framework for the private sector educational institutions.
They also asked for effective implementation of existing laws by reinforcing the judicial infrastructure in country from lower to higher court; meritocracy should be ensured within all segments of society.The resolution demanded government to announce youth emergency in Pakistan and ensure employment opportunities for 63% population of country (youth) by reforming the public sector and improving the private sector pro-youth reforms within country; provide for uniformity in educational system and syllabus all around the country. – Nation