PARIS: Founders and bosses of major Internet firms including Facebook, Google and Amazon will meet in Paris this month ahead of the G8 summit, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Friday.”I am delighted that numerous leaders of the Internet world have responded to France’s invitation to come and discuss the Internet at the e-G8 forum on May 24 and 25,” said a message on Sarkozy’s official page on
The guests named include the founder of that social networking site, Mark Zuckerberg, the executive chairman and until recently chief executive of Google, Eric Schmidt, and Jeff Bezos, founder of online retail giant Amazon.Maurice Levy of the communications group Publicis, which is organising the gathering, said hundreds of industry players would discuss how the Internet can be used to fuel economic growth.Another of the organisers told AFP that Sarkozy would open the gathering, which will also discuss protecting intellectual property — a sensitive issue which has notably set Google at odds with publishers in France and elsewhere.Sarkozy chairs the summit of the Group of Eight (G8) rich nations on May 26 and 27 in Deauville, France. – Yahoonews