Interior Minister Rehman Malik said that a covert operation has been launched against criminals in the aftermath of latest killing spree in Karachi.Talking on a private TV channel, Minister said the government has achieved enormous successes against terrorism.“We should not forget that our enemy is fully active in Karachi,” he commented.The Interior Minister said security has been beefed up around Shershah scrap market with the establishment of 28 police and rangers posts.
Replying to a question, Malik said: “We have very good ties with MQM. I speak to Altaf Hussain on almost every alternate day and to Governor Ishratul Ebad on daily basis.”
“I appeal to media not to portray routine incidents of murders involving girl friend and boy friend as target killings,” he added.
The government, he claimed, has requested the United States to stop drone strikes, which are disturbing to our nation.