LAHORE: Secretary, Pakistan Hockey Federation, Mohammad Asif Bajwa said on Tuesday the schedule of Pak-India hockey series will be finalised with the mutual understanding of both the hockey bodies. “We are in touch with the Indian Hockey for the revival of series and hopefully all the necessary modalities in this regard will be sorted out in due course of time “,he told APP here.Bajwa said the series is likely to be played later this year or early next year and both the hockey bodies are sincerely working on it to finalise the dates and the venues.He termed the revival of bilateral hockey series a step forward to strengthen the cause of hockey in sub-continent to better the overall hockey standards.“ Through this hockey series we can do a lot more to better our hockey (Pak-India hockey) and both the nations can learn from the experience of each other to further progress in the game at international level “,said Bajwa.
PHF Secretary said once Pak and India were known as super powers of hockey and now they are struggling to regain their glittering past and if they play each other on regular basis they can progress to better their sagging fortunates in the game.“ Both the teams are rich in natural promise and talent of hockey and players have inbuilt hockey technique which distinct them from other hockey nations and their interaction in the hockey fields on regular basis can bring back hockey lost glory to this region “,he maintained.He said he is expecting to have further discussion on Pak-India series on the side lines of Asian Hockey Federation’s meeting during the Azlan Shah Hockey Cup being played in Malaysia next month.To a question,he said the training camp of National team for the build up of Azlan Shah Cup is in progress and participation in Azlan Shah is the first step to launch preparations for next year’s London Olympics.“ We are achieving our set targets gradually and we hope that our efforts will help Pakistan to emerge a force to reckon with at international hockey scene “,said Bajwa. – APP