Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar decided to promote arts and cultural activities in Punjab. He said this during the meeting of Provincial Cultural Committee in Lahore. He said that holding of horse and cattle show and culture and traditional festivals will be restored in the Punjab soon.
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The chief minister said artists should play their role as an ambassador in Clean and Green Campaigns and the government will provide all-out support to them in the regard. He said artists are promoting soft image of Pakistan worldwide through their talents. He said opportunities will be provided to artists of remote areas including the southern Punjab.
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Usman Buzdar said Department of Information and Culture is rendering valuable services for the promotion of cultural activities and stressed upon all art councils to work actively and effectively across the province. On this occasion, the participants presented suggestions and recommendations for the protection and promotion of Punjab’s culture. Provincial Minister Information and Culture Fayyaz ul-Hasan Chuhan, spokesperson CM Punjab Dr. Shahbaz gill, prominent people belonging to culture, literature and arts were also present in meeting.