LAHORE: A diamond necklace was stolen during an Indian products’ exhibition going on at the Expo Centre, on Sunday. The necklace, worth Rs 700,000, was stolen from the ND Diamonds stall.
According to sources, an unidentified woman fainted near the stall prior to the robbery, after which people started gathering there and together shifted the woman to a nearby room. The stall owners noticed the necklace missing when they were closing down for the day. They immediately informed the police, which started searching people present at the centre, but to no avail. Police have collected CCTV footage to start a proper investigation into the matter. The exhibition, ‘India Show’, organised by the Indian government is set to conclude today (Monday). At lease 400 participants had set up stalls at the exhibition, with the aim of increasing future trade opportunities, B2B meetings and direct buyer-seller interaction. The exhibition also aims at creating awareness regarding Indian products in Pakistan. More than 50 prominent Indian companies are exhibiting their products spread around 110 stalls. The products range from chemicals, textiles and apparels, consumer durables, gems and jewellery, cosmetics, handicrafts, auto components, healthcare items, etc. – Dailytimes.