“I didn’t expect to be standing here tonight and tried to write a speech and I feel silly,” Nikki M James in tears as she accepted the prize for actress in a featured role in a musical.“It’s a thrilling experience in the theatre — it’s not just terribly sad. It resonates as much today as the first day I read it around 1986. … It’s still alive, this play. It’s not just a piece of art history.” John Benjamin Hickey, winner of actor in a featured role in a play for “The Normal Heart,” on working in Larry Kramer’s play about AIDS.“We quite like it when people cry.” Tom Morris, winner of best direction of a play with Marianne Elliott for “War Horse.”Trey and Matt don’t usually write a lot of girls into their work. I was really honoured to be the only chick. They’re like my brothers,” Nikki M James on being in the mostly male “The Book of Mormon.”“Coming to Broadway next season, Muammar Gaddafi in ‘Catch Me If You Can.’” Robin Williams.“It’s very hot in that theatre. It was nice to get out of your seat.” Andre Bishop, a producer of “War Horse,” asked how he felt winning a Tony. – Dailytimes