International Cricket Council CEO Haroon Lorgat said arranging technology for proper use of the Umpires Decision Review System (UDRS) was the key to its implementation.“Until the host Board puts everything in place for proper use of the UDRS, it cannot be implemented,” he said at a media briefing to announce a long-term sponsorship agreement with MoneyGram International, one of the leading money transfer companies in the world.“For that matter, even for the World Cup (2011), we don’t have sufficient Hot Spot cameras. Once everyone is convinced about the reliability of the system, UDRS will be made mandatory in every series,” Lorgat said.
Resistance from BCCIFor India’s away series against South Africa, the host association’s move to use UDRS is facing resistance from the BCCI.“The BCCI is still not convinced about the reliability of the technology. We leave it to the two bodies to come to an understanding (whether to use it or not). Discussions will go on and CSA will make a decision in consultation with the BCCI.”Stays positiveLorgat was positive about India’s acceptance. “A lot of players are happy with the system. I am confident that in due course the Indian board would give its consent.”MoneyGram will be a partner at the ICC World Cup 2011, the second entry into sponsorship following the ICC Twenty20 World Cup 2010 held in the West Indies.
“MoneyGram’s association with the ICC is a reflection of how healthy cricket is. The company is based in the United States, which is a market for cricket in the near future. They are joining us when ICC is trying to re-structure the Future Tours Programme along with Future ICC Events,” Lorgat said.Biggest game“Cricket is the biggest game in the Indian sub-continent and we take our sport seriously,” noted Harsh Lambah, south Asia regional director, MoneyGram.Juan Agualimpia, MoneyGram senior VP and chief marketing officer, also spoke – Thehindu