SRINAGAR:Apprehending “some mischief” by the intelligence agencies prior to or during the US president Barrack Obama’s proposed visit to India, the chairman of United Jihad Council Syed Salahuddin has asked the militant groups to keep their operations limited to border areas only till the end of his (US president’s) visit.“The intelligence agencies can play any diabolic game like that of Chattisinghpora prior to or during the visit of the American president to India in November. We have reports that that the Indian intelligence agencies are planning to target some religious places or carry out a massacre of minorities or stage Mumbai type drama or target Parliament or any important government building or any foreign missionary to pass its blame on armed freedom loving youth. So the militants are needed to remain extra cautious and keep their operations limited to attacks on armed forces and military installations in the border areas,” UJC’s Muzaffarabad based spokesman Ehsan Elahi quoted Salahuddin as having said.“No operation should be carried out in any civilian area or near religious places. The ongoing struggle has entered its decisive phase and the militants should not do any act that will damage the unarmed and peaceful struggle,” he added.Salahuddin assured the world community that militants’ would only target armed forces. “Agencies are up to some mischief and if something untoward happens it should not be attributed to militants,” he said. – Sananews