Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has said that the process of distribution of second installment of cash amount among the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) of North Waziristan will be started soon. The chief minister said his while talking to philanthropists, industrialists and traders who presented cheques of Rs 3 crore to the CM Relief Fund for the IDPs on Tuesday.
The chief minister said Rs 7,000 per family would again be given in the second phase. He directed Senior Member Board of Revenue to start distribution of second installment of cash without any delay. “Rehabilitation of affectees is a collective responsibility and it is time to stand by the IDPs. Affected people of North Waziristan who are rendering sacrifices for peace and stability of the country are waiting for help and there is a need for every member of the society to come forward and play his role for providing relief to the distressed people,” the CM held.
Shahbaz Sharif said on his appeal well-to-do persons of different walks of life are donating generously for the help and rehabilitation of the displaced families. He said that government was spending every penny of donations on IDPs with honesty. The donors while expressing their views said that help and assistance to the distressed people of North Waziristan is a collective religious and moral responsibility. They said that instead of staging protests and sit-ins in Islamabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhawa government should help IDPs. Cheques worth Rs 1.80crore were presented on behalf of assembly members of Gujrat, overseas Pakistanis and traders while industrialists, philanthropists and different persons of Lahore gave Rs one crore five lakh and traders and industrialists of Multan 45 lakh rupees.
MPA from DG Khan Syed Abdul Aleem gave Rs12.5 lakh, MPA Bao Akhtar Ali Rs8 lakh, MPA Ch Shabbir Ahmed Rs5 lakh, MPA Ch Ashraf Rs15 lakh, overseas Pakistanis Rs67 lakh, President Petrol Pumps Association Ch Sajid Masood Rs10 lakh, Atif Jami Grand City Rsfive lakh, industrialist Iftikhar Haider Rs5 lakh and Medical Stores Association Gujrat Rs5 lakh. -nation