KARACHI: The Urdu-speakers living in the metropolis smelled a planned massacre of Mohajirs after an abrupt increase in cases of ‘killing after kidnapping’ and issued warnings to members of the ethnic group to avoid visiting Baloch-dominated areas.
Mohajir Sooba Tehreek (MST), one of the most popular movements in the country in these days, has launched an information campaign for the Urdu-speaking residents of the city to avoid frequent visits to Baloch-dominated areas for business, shopping or recreation, amid fears of a massacre of Mohajirs in days to come. This has sparked fear amongst the Urdu-speakers and most of them have postponed visits to these areas.
The campaign has been initiated to spread the MST’s message through people-to-people contact and short message service (SMS). In the messages, the vulnerable people were warned against visiting the areas from Shershah to Pankha Hotel, Gulbai to the ICI Flyover and Golimar to Raxer Line as well as the seaside areas of Thatta and Kalri Lake. They have also been informed that the Baluch-speakers have planned a massacre of the Mohajirs and that they have killed many Urdu-speakers after kidnapping them.
They have also been warned to avoid visit of sea sides in Karachi and for few days. “Our family postponed a picnic to Kalri Lake after receiving a warning,” said a 15-year-old. Besides, the Urdu-speakers, many people involved in small-scale fisheries’ business have stopped visiting Maripur to avoid falling prey to the Balochs. “I run a fry fish shop in Malir and I have decided to quit this business as I do not want to risk my life going to the Baloch-dominated areas to buy fish,” 38-year-old Raees told Media.
Talking to Media, MST founder and leader Dr Saleem Haider said reliable sources had informed the organisation about plans of a massacre of Urdu-speakers in the coming days. He added that some people were lobbying for a massacre of Urdu-speakers to press them to stop demanding a separate province for Mohajirs. “On Sunday, eight people were killed after being kidnapped and their dead bodies were dumped at various parts of the city to terrorise the Urdu-speakers,” he stated. – PT