Sylvie Guillem’s latest appearance on the London stage has been applauded by the critics, one of whom said the 46-year-old was “still one of the most astonishing dancers on stage today”.”The intelligence of her dancing burns even brighter,” wrote the Guardian’s Judith Mackrell in a four-star review.”The flair and virtuosity of her dancing stops you in your tracks,” agreed the Standard’s Sarah Frater.The French star is appearing in 6000 Miles Away at London’s Sadler’s Wells.Running until 9 July, the evening sees her perform a duet with Nicolas Le Riche, before dancing solo in a piece choreographed by Sweden’s Mats Ek.According to the Arts desk, the result proved her to be “as swift as mercury, as exact as a feather, as light as the sun and as eternal in intelligent beauty as Nefertiti”.”This great ballerina of our era is both inexplicable and unbelievable, in physique and in temperament,” continued Ismene Brown.Formerly with the Paris Opera Ballet and the Royal Ballet in London, Guillem now devotes her energies to contemporary dance.The title of her show refers to Japan, with proceeds from Thursday’s performance going to the Japan Tsunami Appeal managed by the British Red Cross. – BBC