KARACHI: Some suspects involved in the bomb blast at the Crime Investigation Department (CID) centre on Thursday had managed to flee from the crime scene after the attack, a well-placed Sindh Police official disclosed to Daily Times on Friday. The footage of the closed-circuit television cameras (CCTV) installed at the Sindh Chief Minister House revealed that the culprits had arrived at the CID centre with two vehicles and they managed to escape after blowing up one of them. The armed suspects also stole a large number of sensitive weapons from the ammunition depot of the CID centre. The CID’s data on crime, notorious criminals and informers was completely destroyed, so the CID officials have no information about the suspects who were being investigated. It is pertinent to mention here that security agencies have already launched an investigation and recorded statements of four CID men as well as a civilian who were present near the CID centre at the time of the incident. atif raza – Dailytimes